Employe Privacy and information mishandling

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New Member
I have been informed by a someone who works at my previous employer (I resigned in March 08 for a better opportunity), that s/he found a file on a secretary's desk at lunch with information about me and another former employee. Apparently, they may be investigating the former employee. I left on good terms. The information was very personal. S/He also informed me that in this file, there were copies of personal emails from my personal email account not the company account. They have pictures (I don't know of what because the person did not look). The also have medical records and notes from physicians and insurance agency on this guy (again, he left the company). They are talking to current employees during this investigation. I think they have included me in this because I knew the former employee on a personal level.

My question is what recourse do I have to this "investigation" that they're doing? How can they get access to my personal email account when I don't even work there anymore? How can they be accessing personal medical information on someone who's not there? And finally, they left this file out at lunch for this non-authorized person to go through and now they have personal information on both of us? What can I do here? How do I even gain access to what they have so I know what information they have gathered on me? This is really scary.
In PA, you have the right to see your personnal record (though not to have a copy of it). I can only suggest that you ask for access to your file and see whether or not this rumored information is really there and this is not all blown out of proportion.

Rumors happen. Not everything that former co-workers tell you is true.

Once you know what's really in your file, it will be time enough to worry about legalities.
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