Employed for 3 1/2 years, getting a second background check

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I've been working for a RSP (Region Service Provider) for Dish Network for 3 1/2 years now, on Dec 19th I was told that Dish Network is wanting over 15 techs with 3+ years with the RSP to get Sterling Background Checks. We don't work for Dish Network, just are contracted with them. Is this legal, and could I get terminated if something came back they didn't like? I've been in contact with the IBEW concerning this as well, we are not currently under contract with the IBEW, just unionized.
In both states, as far as the LAW is concerned, yes it is legal and yes you could be termed if they saw something they didn't like.

Your union may offer protections not available in law.
The issues here involve corporate liability, consumer protection, and public policy. What if Joe Snow, a service technician contracted to a satellite provider, had previously been convicted of child molestation, burglary, or rape? What if Joe Snow stole Mrs. Green's valuables while at her home? What if Joe was caught touching little Timmy Green? I can understand why an employer would do this? Is it any different than an employer conducting random drug tests?

Of course, a contractor would always be free to say no and start his/her own business. I suspect THIS company is ready to do battle in court to defend their decision.

Sent from my iPad3 using Tapatalk HD
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