employee not able to fulfill obligations

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New Member
if your employee is a physician with a 3 year employment contract and the physician is deliberately not fufilling the obligations such as coming 45 mins late to work almost daily, not willing to participate in internal care coordination meetings, insubordinant behavior and not willing to work as a team thereby causing financial loss what are the options for the employer.?

as an Employer we have tried to reason several times, given multiple verbal warnings and it has not helped. I plan on giving a written warning that if this continues there will be financial and other consequences. Do I have the right to hold part payments until the physician rectifies the deficiencies? Pl advise..
The minute you said, employment contract, this ceased to be employment or labor law and became contract law. If it's contract law, then all the answers are in the contract, and if they're not, you've got a problem.

You need to immediately have the contract reviewed by a Florida attorney who will be able to tell you what options you have.

Under employment law, the answer would be; the employer has the option of firing him, but under NO circumstances does labor or employment law permit non-payment.
Hopefully your contract covers situations such as this - have it reviewed by a local attorney as suggested.
I suspect the physician has consulted with his attorney, and remains in contact with that attorney.

If in doubt about legal matters, ALWAYS see a licensed attorney.
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