Not too long ago it was discovered that a base level crew member was being paid significantly more per hour than the level one managers, and it just so happens that this person is married to the general manager. The owner of the establishment was approached regarding the issue, but nothing was done. Shortly after, this employee demanded to be promoted to a level one manager. The owner told them no, so the employee quit. This employee said they wouldn't return to work until they got promoted. After a few weeks, the owner gave in to their demands and promoted them to level one manager. Many employees and managers were upset to see this happen because this particular employee shouldn't even be permitted to work there based on their job performance. They are consistently late to work, call in sick on a regular basis, have employees cover their shift, treat people with disrespect, violate company policies, etc. It was recently learned that this particular employee was given a raise, equal to that of a level two manager. Naturally, level two managers are upset because they work longer hours, perform more work by far than that of the general manager's spouse. It is unfair and unethical for an employee to be paid more than another employee simply because of their personal relationship with the top level manager, especially when that other employee is more experienced, performing better, and in a higher position. Is there anything that can be done about this issue? If the owner didn't do anything the first time, I feel they wouldn't do anything this time either. Plus, by bringing this issue to light of my superiors, I fear being reprimanded for trying to seek fair treatment. What should I do?