Hello Group, I own a small business and had an employee go bad. He represented himself as "owner" of my company to several public service agencies and performed work and took payment in the name of the company. Most of these were cash transactions so I do not have a paper trail, but I do have witnesses to this activity. Some of this work was done (by witness account) during my work day. While doing so he used my company van/tools/supplies to perform this work. He also lied on his time cards, claiming to be working for me while he was out on runs at the fire department he volunteers at. This has been documented. He has withheld all business related e-mails and claims ownership of the e-mails as they were forwarded to an e-mail account of which he owns the domain/web site. He has consistently given my company eroneous infomation about customer contacts (wrong addresses/phone #'s/contact persons/ etc.)
Is this something that my local county prosecutor will handle if I report it and do I stand a chance of claiming damages through a criminal prosecution?
The financial impact has been severe (loss of business, tainted business reputation, loss of labor paid, company employee fraudulently representing himself/The Company). If I file civil I know I need to keep in mind the cost vs. collectability, but is there more here that I may be overlooking?
This employee has been terminated.
ANY help GREATLY appreciated. Ted.
Is this something that my local county prosecutor will handle if I report it and do I stand a chance of claiming damages through a criminal prosecution?
The financial impact has been severe (loss of business, tainted business reputation, loss of labor paid, company employee fraudulently representing himself/The Company). If I file civil I know I need to keep in mind the cost vs. collectability, but is there more here that I may be overlooking?
This employee has been terminated.
ANY help GREATLY appreciated. Ted.