Employer Paid off car then 5 mos later reversed it

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I had a job as a Controller/Bookkeeper with full control accounting for personal and business for my Past Employer.

He was in a bind with books that were a mess and extensions on taxes that were way passed what they were suppose to be.

He offered me cash bonus based on performance and the quicker I could set up a few of his companies on books the more he would pay me in cash on top of my regular salary to get it done.

The contract between us was in writing, and he added me onto his accounts both credit cards and bank accounts the whole time I was employed there.

He had an account I started for him that paid 5% back as a cash rebate for anything we paid from it. He wanted meto run all bills through this account to earn as much as possible.

As time went on, each time I finished something that should have earned a bonus, he hestitated on paying me. Instead we kept track one by one by writing them on a paper called a milestone with the date the work was finished and the amount of a bonus it earned me.

Months went by without payment and I was nearing the end of my work so I had to corner him to get my money. He didn't think I would earn as much as I did and he was unhappy when he totaled it. He asked what I was going to do with the money and I told him I was going to pay off my car and have my teeth fixed. He offered to pay them direct for me so I would not have to pay taxes on the money earned and he could use his little 5% account. I agreed. He paid off my car in December of 2007. He had me wire them the money from the account and I was authorized to do so as well as added to the account as a total control Client.

In may 2008 my lein holder on my car showed up to reposess it. They said that my old employer contacted them in April 2008 and told them that they payment was not authorized and they chose to refund it to him. They will not give me the details of how much information about my account they released to him or what he told them to get them to provide a refund. He could not have said I stole the money when I was also listed on the account and used it on a daily basis with his bank?

They have added on two thousand dollars in late fees and interest charges for removing the payment. I dont know what to do about this?

I dont know who is more at fault here? The guy under contract with me who just ripped me off for a $5,300 bonus? Or the finance company who didn't require him to prove anything or provide a police report before they chose to refund money off of a paid off car loan account?

I tried to contact him and he wont return my phone calls. I have not given the car back either. Can't anyone help me? I paid four years on a five year loan that would have been paid in full this december and I didnt do anything wrong here to have to loose my car?

What can I do about this and who do I take to court? This guy is a millionaire. I hate to fight anyone like that in court when I am just a little guy.

The bank account that the payment was made from is reporting on my personal credit report as a current account still. I am truly authorized to use it so why am I being penalized for this?
Just because he is a millionaire, it doesn't mean that he is above the law. Get yourself a good attorney and have him put a case for you to not only recover the promised bonus but to pay for your distress and the balance used to pay the remainder of your car. Hope this helps!
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