Employer slander

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New Member
I am a bartender at a Denver city golf course. My direct boss, the only manager in the restaurant, has been slandering me, to customers and co-workers for almost a year. She has done everything from call me a trashy gold digging whore, to telling people I get high while I'm working, to making up false customer complaints. She then uses those made up complaints as an excuse to not schedule me. She has never once said anything directly to me, not even about supposed customer complaints. Every shift I work, I hear about her trash talking from an fellow employee or regular customer. Is there anything I can do about this? She takes a percentage of gratuities for parties she doesn't even work and forces us to tip share with her when she is around to help for part of a shift. Can she do this as a salaried manager? She recently cut my shifts saying it was because the golf season is over, but then kept another girl on who had only been there for 4 months. I know making a complaint to the absent owner is only going to get me fired, not her. So can I sue her on my way out the door?
Assuming you had a case, how could you collect from a loudmouth, broke down tore down, jerk?

Bottom line, why not take your great mixologist skills and work where you're treated better????
I know it's sometimes hard to find employment these days but you might try to find other employment though don't quit until you have other employment. You generally don't get unemployment ins. if you quit. If you would get fired (depending on the reason), your chances of getting UI are much better than when you quit.
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