Employer will not pay funds he garnished from my paycheck

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My Minnesota employer garnished my wages for my child support due in the State of Texas. I am more than 1 month behind because my employer refuses to pay the $650 he garnished from my last 2 paychecks. He did the same thing last month, claiming "he forgot" he needed to cut the check. Now I have been fired from that job, and he still owes Texas the full $650 from my last 2 paychecks. Who do I call to force him to release the funds he garnished from my paycheck? My children need support!
No, not yet. As I mentioned it happened last month too but then my boss finally released the funds. However now that I don't work there anymore I'm concerned about how to get the money to the support agency. One of the two payments is nearly 30 days past due. Just wondering if I should be contacting the support agency, a lawyer, or the MN department of labor - who can force him to comply with garnishment laws.
If your employer has misappropriated your money, or money to be sent to child support in Texas; he's committed a fraudulent act.

Contact the police, or the child support agency in texas, who'll tell you to go the police.

Ypu also can't go wrong by contacting the child support agency in your state, and asking them for advice.
If you can produce a pay stub that shows the money was garnished then the child support agency should turn its attention to your employer. If you can't produce a pay stub you have even more problems if he doesn't pay up.
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