employers responsibility for employee's libel

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I am suing my ex for libel.
He recently emailed my previous employer, a state social services provider for children, a suit against me accussing me of child molesting. The case has since been dismissed, more precisely, he withdrew the suit; this is sadly the third time he's alleged this in the 5 yrs we've been divorced, and every time out of spite and malice.
The e mail reached 200 staff who are licensed workers. He sent the e mail during his work time, and using his employer's server, email provided to him for business use only.
He has been reprimanded by apparently losing access to the company e mail ( my educated guess), but I have never received written nor verbal confirmation of the exact measures taken by his employer. They claim it is a matter of confidentiality.
My question---What do companies usually do in such situations when an employee behaves in an unethical and unprofessional manner? What are my rights when it comes to requesting they take appropriate measures?
Frankly, if I had done it, I would have been fired considering the nature of my job. He is still working for them.
Thank you for your time.
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