employment offer rescinded

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I had a job offer in New York and left notice at my current job. Supposedly the employer did whatever background checks were necessary... it was almost 2 months since the first interview until the offer. It was a verbal offer. On Wednesday, the owner called me to arrange the time to start on Monday and mentioned (out of the blue) that the management company in the mall where I'd be working would do a background check which included a credit report. I volunteered that I previously filed bankruptcy and explained why. The next day he called and rescinded the offer but refused to say why. I assume it's because of the bankruptcy.

I'm screwed. On Monday, I'll be unemployed as a result of relying on his offer. Do I have any recourse? Am I eligible for unemployment insurance?

thx, glenn
Although no employment laws were violated, IF the offer was rescinded because of the BK, that is a violation of banking law. Unfortunately, I don't know the regulatory agency that handles that.
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