Ending lease with roommate

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New Member
Jurisdiction: Brooklyn, NY

Hi there,

This is my first time posting here. I need help with an issue concerning my lease and roommate.

My roommate and I signed a 1 year lease together. After some altercations/bad roommate fit, I moved out in the beginning of the month. I gave her 25 days notice of my moving out and to find a replacement before the beginning of the next month. We agreed that if she didn't find someone 1 week before the deadline, that I would choose someone to replace me on the lease. However, we later had a conference call with the leasing company, and they said that my roommate needed to APPROVE of the person before signing the lease, since she will be living with the new roommate.

It has been past 25 days and now going into the next month, and she still hasn't approved of a roommate. I have been doing all I can to find a replacement for my part of the lease. And I later caught her, when she lied about meeting potential applicants. She has no incentive to find a replacement, when she's living in a 2 BD and only paying half.

What are my rights here? Because in theory (according to the leasing company), she could continue to not approve of a roommate for a whole year and get away with only paying half the rent and leaving the half up to me. I've looked on the lease, and there is nothing in writing that says the other person has to APPROVE of the replacement. Legally, am I able to find a replacement myself and have them sign the lease with the leasing company? Or is it possible to simply remove my name from the lease since I've completely moved out?

Any help/advice is MUCH appreciated!!!

Legally, all parties on the lease (you, your roommate, the landlord/management) must agree to you breaking your part of the lease. Your roommate is not likely to do this unless you find someone she believes would make a suitable roommate for her.

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