equal rights for all?

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recently my neibor was discharging a gun in the city limits. called and made a complaint. city cop went to his house to talk to him about situation. shortly after officer called me to state that he had made contact with said neibor. said that since he know the individual he couldnt do any thing about it. yet 4 years ago, me personally got a charge for unlawful use of a weapon and all i had was a knife that was 1" to long. never used said weapon towards anyone or in any threating manner. my question is, how can this individual get away with discharging a weapon in city limits, when i cant even carry a knife for my own safty? Are the local police giving him a break because they are "buddies"
Your question is basically impossible to answer due to all the variables attached to each separate incident. Each individual officer has the ability to make certain judgment calls. For whatever unknown reason the officer decided there was not sufficient cause to arrest the neighbor for the gun discharge. Yet, the officer in your situation must have decided there was sufficient cause to charge you.

Then too, it is not unheard of for officers to give breaks to "buddies" or anyone else who cooperates with an investigation.
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