ERISA claim denial

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New Member
After 9 years on disability, my insurer denied benefits and I was able to do the appeal myself. It was cut and dry, as they had flat out lied and I had the proof from the doc. Benefits were reinstated, (but only after they sent me another letter with a whole diff reason for the denial).

Now they have denied benefits again a year later. They are trying to throw everything but the kitchen sink into the denial.

I have contacted an ERISA attorney, but would like to know what the usual fees are. There is only one ERISA attorney where I live, the other 2 in the state are almost 3 hours away. This attorney wants 30% of what I would get back on the appeal, not just the amount I would get, but what I would get for the next 10 years. Granted he will take it through federal court if necessary, but is this the way it usually works?
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