My siblings and I are to inherit from a trust my grandfather left in 1986 in a "qtip" trust wherein his living partner was to receive interest off of blue chip stocks in sum over 150000$ in 86. The principle was to remain untouched. There was also a property sold to be put into the trust principle. Upon her death his children, one of which was my dead father are to recieve the principle divided three ways. This trust attorney was a lawyer friend of my grandfathers. He made us suspicious early on because he sold the property for what seemed a very paltry amount to a friend of his. This bothered us but we did nothing because we . live in california, are not in touch w gramps girlfriend, have stressful busy lives and cant oversight him. All three of us are busy and stressed and its damn hard to attend to something 3000 miles away. Every year he sends an annual statement of the trust and the dividend transactions. We noticed over the yrs the principle goes down and down every year with no earnings and the principle is suppossed to be untouched accept by ups and downs of the market. This has made us suspiciuos because their should be some major up yrs since 1986 in a major blue chip corporation stock portfolio for gods sake - thr corporations profits are the most important thing to our political leaders in this country, not us civilians and our wellbeing and jobs for christssake?! But we gave up cuz no one of us had money or the wherewithal to try and stop this. Than last yr. we got alarmed right before dec. 2012 when the annual was to come out because he hadnt contacted us yet, when my sister found an obit from. 8 mos before of thr dead girlfriend, so we thought. We figured he was covering up because we wernt informed and wernt receiving any news of any inheritance for 8 mos.. My brother tested him - he called and asked when we would.get this yrs annual and how was the girlfriend doing and where was she living? The attorney was taken aback when my brither queried and didnt know initially what say than blurted she was fine living in Tennessee. This was odd because hes suppossed to.send her atleast quarterly checks from dividend so he'd have to know where she lived immediately no hem haw.. So this confirmed for us shes dead. My brother asked him casually when we wouldd recieve the annual report - he said in a couple weeks. In the meantime we found out the obit of the gf was someone else with same name in Fla same age and still alive but hella old. Weve tried to get ahold of her but havnt been able to get her number or address to crosscheck with her whats going on with the trust. Oddly we know the 2 township area where she lives, curiously is right near where the scumbag attorney lives and practices! She had lived in Tennessee some yrs back though. Anyways dirtbag, Esq. dragged his feet and took some six weeks to send the goddamn annual repor way late. We were wild with anticipation waiting to see if he hung himself and what kind of bullshit hed come up with. Get this!! For the goddamn first time ever in 40 yrs, the principle had rocketed all the way back up this year only ever a profit back to the original principle when gramps died in 86!! Last yr. it was at an alltime, low low dismal amount worse than ever too - like "we aint seein shit" in the end, low! He cheerily lied through his pen that the stocks did unusually extremely well this yr. tra la la la.. BUT curiously for the first time, he added a legal mechanism to the effect of if we wanted to contest his administrstion of the trust, it wss on a six mos. statute of limitations!! Well that raised the hair on my goddamn neck! Hes trying to cover his theiving, lying, scumbag ,#ss!! We speculate he cut GF out a long time ago, saying some crap to her like all was lost in the 08 crash or something and, than stole all of it. The truth is there's nothing left!! Hes trying to trick us with this bogus report so we do nothing, mollified by the putative (good word, huh?!) fat inheritance to come. He thinks were idiots!!' Lazy, procrastinators and not self protective at all-yes, but idiots, hell no!! Its now almost 6 mos. and I want to side slam him, without any advance warning with an injunction or whatever the hell you do to impel him to open his books right now - no cookin the books as hes the kind of scum who will. I want an audit by an attorney with a forensic accounting of every bank transaction hes ever done with the trust and his own bank accounts for forty years. Thats my understanding what recourse and rights we have to an audit on a trust based on reasonable suspicion. Can we do that? How? Do we have to pay for this audit when hes the one who robbed us? Do we get a florida attorney on contingency to go after him? How do we do this? What do I do? We have no money to pay an attorney - this feels outrageously unfair as were the victims! This is enraging because hes taken advantage the whole damn time because realistically we could not monitor and protect our asset from Calif and that mother fu##er knew it!! In probable reality he has robbed and betrayed his close friend, my grandfather and robbed his grandchildrens rightful and only inheritance of a lifetime, when all three of us can desperately use it in this awful economy when she passes on. Not too mention hes probably robbed her of her last bit of security leaving her financially bereft at 86 yrs old (why didnt he know where she lives when the records show she lives in the same township as him?) Though its probably all gone. What the hell do we do? We want to find out what he took and sue him for his property any holdings assets, savings for the yrs and.thousands of dollars hes probably stolen. I want criminal charges by the DA for embezzlment and fraud as I cant believe this is merely a civil matter, its egregiously criminal in nature!. I want him disbarred and forced out of business into retirement with his name smeared. I believe in my gut - I know hes done this now because my denial has shattered since the false- Utter, BS, sneaky statute of limitations on the puffed up annual report to invoke more lassitude even. Thid is totally lame and obvious even to a child!! Its goddamn obvious what hes up to now! And he just hung himself by submitting the undeniably inculpating annual report - the smoking gun. My last concern is calling upon the FLA bar associstion to asdist or advise on thr situstion and how to find a decent attorney there on contingency. We know no one. I am very leery of the Fla bar as Fla. is well known as a highly corrupt state and when it comes to lawyers you have to watch your back anyways. I can easily imagine this old boy network guy with cronies at the bar covering up, aiding and abetting. I wasnt born yesterday - I know how evil and corrupt organizations and state govt institutions are. I dont underestimate the depth of depravity of its members!! Please someone help me move toward putting a scumbag out of bizness robbing his close friend's granchildren of their inheritance, putting an old fragile woman out of her survival money left by her beloved to care for her specifically in her old age!? We need to talk to her. I think hes playing both halves agsinst the middle!! Help -'please advise!!