My father in law passed away almost 2 years ago. He had no will, just a verbal understanding that his two sons would split everything fairly. He was close to the end of bankruptcy when he passed. According to his attorney, everything was paid off except the one vehicle that was included in it. We have gotten land, other vehicles, etc. transferred into my husbands name, as his brother is in the military and has been deployed since before father in laws death. We assumed someone would contact us about the car, since the lawyer basically handed us papers saying the bankruptcy was closed and did not help any further. No one has contacted us, although we live at the same address father in law did, and the car is still here in the same spot it has been in since it was purchased. We have no idea what company to contact on this matter, and a perfectly good car is sitting here rusting because we can't get it tagged and insured. Is there a time limit on these kinds of things? Or is there someone I can contact that may be able to help? We are willing to pay the car off if needed, if we knew who to pay. We are in Georgia