Estate planning farce

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Missouri. Parents had wills, trusts, etc. done at law firm. They didn't sign nor record docs.:no: They were clueless. Dad passed Jan 2005. I spoke with the same attorney abt their stuff, he said he would redo the wills, etc. at no charge, for Mom, being a single person. Well, we went to his office, she signed, he noterized and witnessed and said he would record the stuff and real estate. I read the info when we got home. There were errors on at least 95% of the pages. It appears that they just removed Dad's name and didn't redo as a single person. Still used plural in docs.
we, us... He won't return my calls. Are they invalid? with all the errors? He said with Dad's name on stuff, it would have ended in probate. I think he wants it to end there. Help!
Thank you:confused:
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