estate Rights

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New Member
I found out some years ago that my father was not my real dad . I have found my real fathers siblings in california . My real father passed away in 1999 . His wife is still alive along with four of my siblings . My question is , do I have any legal right to a share of his estate ?
living will

My mom and dad have a living will. My mom passed away in January this year, so my dad is the only one left on the living will. He has left everything to me and my brother.The question I have is, my dad doesn't want a penny of his estate to go to my brothers wife. Here in California everything is split 50/50...does that include my fathers estate? He has a house and some stocks and a savings account? The living will states everything will be left to me and my brother 50/50. My husband and my brothers wife are not mentioned in the living trust...only my brother and myself.
I just found my sister's and brother about 4 months ago after several years of trying to find my real father . If his wife is still alive could I protest the estate when she passes ? I had no knowledge of his passing and no way of knowing when or if I could have contested his will or estate . We moved from california in 1967 and no contact was ever made . I spent years and alot of time trying to make contact with him and the family only to be shunned . he also had his wife and a waitress knocked up at the same time as my mother . I have recieved only the limited information they wished to pass to me and was told even though I was his son , I wasnt part of their family and never will be . This has left a bad taste and I wished to show them different . Thank you , Kevin
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