Estate sc need understranding

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My father and mother have pass away in the last 7 years by father being the last. He left a simple will divide everthing by four (being four family and stepchildern). It took three years for all stepchildren to give quit claims for family. Now my brother is taking me to court because I have been slow to distribet funds till we had quite claims in. Can he do this? How much knowledge an exceutor must have to perform his role?
Yes, anyone is free to sue anyone they wish for any reason. An executor is required to know or obtain knowledge about many things. You might want to speak with your brother. Maybe you can avoid the impending drama of a court battle.

You might also wish to make sure you can account for ALL of the items and assets in your parents' estate. It appears your brother us seeking an accounting. You might also wish to speak with an attorney. The initial meeting is normally free.
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Thanks for info. Have ask for help from attorney and CPA. I don't understand when I took the job their is no information from Probate on what could happen!! Is their information from the courts that will help a lay person to understand what people will do for greed?
Thanks for info. Have ask for help from attorney and CPA. I don't understand when I took the job their is no information from Probate on what could happen!! Is their information from the courts that will help a lay person to understand what people will do for greed?

People seem driven by avarice and jealousy, especially when death is involved. Some people will pick the pockets of their mother or father, even as they lie in the casket!
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How true!! Thanks. Someone could make the job more understanding what a person should be prepare for!!

I agree.
That is why about half of the people appointed to be executors turn the job down.
It pays nothing and often yields you revulsion, complaints, and trouble.
It also ends up with you spending your money.
I often tell my clients to dispose of their stuff as they grow older.
Some do, most don't.
People like to hold onto junk they'll never use.
I don't know why.
I've given away most of the things I'll pass on when I die.
My wife chooses to hold onto hers.
Life is funny and people are weird.
Thanks! for a simple answer to something that is very hard to undestand. Someone need to write a book about Probate horror!!!
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