Evicted by other tenants??

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New Member
My father helped me purchase a moblie home about 4 years ago. The only agreement was for me to let my uncle stay there till he found a place of his own. Myself, my father and my Grandfather are the only ones on the lease. Me and my uncle where having problems and my father kicked me out! The park managers just told me the other day that my uncle is living there illegally and that the sent my father a notice about illegal tresspassing. My name is on the lease and on the taxes. I am now a single mother and I need a place to live. Is there any way to get my trailer back legally and have my uncle removed from the property?
Landlord/tenant laws on mobile homes often are a bit different since, in these cases, the tenant owns the mobile home but rents the land it sits on.

Who is listed as actually owning this mobile home?

If your father, you would be considered a tenant/subleaser and he did an illegal eviction when he simply kicked you out.

If you, he again has no right to kick you out. If your name is the only one on the title, dad has no say in who can live there.

If there is a legal contract that your uncle can stay there HE would be considered a tenant and YOU (as the owner) could go through the eviction process to remove him from the property.

It actually sounds as if the management of the park is doing exactly that; notifying your father that your uncle is living in the trailer illegally and must leave.

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