Evicted- Paying Remaining Rent

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New Member
I was given a written eviction notice on Feb. 5, 2010, to be out by March 15, 2010. I had already paid the month of Feb. rent on Feb.1, 2010. I moved out of the property on Feb. 25, 2010 and my landlord is now stating that I owe her for March 1-15. Because I was served and eviction notice and was out before the end of Feb. am I legally responsible for paying for March 1-15, 2010? Can she with hold that amount from my security deposit? If it matters this is taking place in Loudoun County Virginia.

No, you don't owe the 15 days. If she refuses to return your deposit then you will have to sue for it, but you will get it back. She can't evict you and then complain that you didn't stay long enough... she either wants you out or she doesn't.
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