Evicting a freeloader

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New Member
I was trying to help out my adoptive brother telling him when he moved in he would have to get a job and help pay rent. It has been five months now and he hasnt done so. The climate of the household is deteriating because he is a negative person and keeps complaining and being rude to my children. He isnt on the lease agreement and I do not have a sublease contract. I have served him (via email) a 30 day notice but I am not sure what I can do in case he comes back in a bad mood because I have asked him to leave. He is a very high strung individual and I am worried about the safety of my children.
I was trying to help out my adoptive brother telling him when he moved in he would have to get a job and help pay rent. It has been five months now and he hasnt done so. The climate of the household is deteriating because he is a negative person and keeps complaining and being rude to my children. He isnt on the lease agreement and I do not have a sublease contract. I have served him (via email) a 30 day notice but I am not sure what I can do in case he comes back in a bad mood because I have asked him to leave. He is a very high strung individual and I am worried about the safety of my children.

Google eviction California. You'll have to do EVERYTHING by the numbers, any mistakes you start over.

If he refuses to leave, it'll take about 8 to 12 weeks to ave him evicted through the court system.

Google eviction your "city, CA" and "your county, CA".

If you're lucky, he might be evicted by SPRING!!!!

Never invite houseguests, never let people stay overnight in your home. It's a home, not a hotel!!
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