Evicting a roomate not on the lease

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New Member
I had this friend that was homeless, I agreed to let him stay with my family by the agreement of our landlord, he however was not put on the lease, he had stayed here only one nite then left. It's been more than 3 mths and still no hide nor hair from him. He left all his property. I did however contact him via email at his work, informing him that he was to come here and claim his belongings or they were going in the trash. He didnt however, so I set his things out. I'm really furiated because now he is saying I was obligated to hold his things for him and that he is taking legal action against me and my Husband. There was no written consent of this or a verbal agreement for that matter that I would hold onto his things for him. My question is can we get in trouble legally for throwing his things out of our house? And were we obligated to be his free storage unit?
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