Roomate Evicting a roomate with no lease

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I am currently living with a roomate who has a verbal lease agreement with me only. I am the only name on the lease with the apartment complex. As of recently, he has threatened my dog, and also has given out a key to someone who is a stranger to me to have access to the apartment when no one else is home. He is current on rent and has had no other problems, but this is the second time he has commited this act with giving the key out. I no longer feel safe in my apartment and fear the saftey of my animals as well. I would like to evict him, but wish to do so so that he has no grounds to bring me to court. My apartment complex has said I can legally change the locks on him, because I am the only leased occupant, and the court has told me the apartment has to evict him, however the apartment will not because he has no lease with them. I want to evict him as legally and quickly as possible, because I fear my saftey with having strangers having the key. any advise would be helpful. Thank you.
First off laws vary by state and I fail to see yours. Next do you have a month to month agreement or for specific time? If month to month you need give this person a "notice to vacate" the time frame in which they have to vacate is in your states guidelines. If roomate fails to leave within that time frame you then begin eviction process per your state laws and court procedures
I currently live in Nevada, sorry, thought I had put that in there. So I need to give him a written notice, even thought he has no lease, and also is on a month to month, he has had the option of leaving at anytime.
Yu cant just throw him out no. Ho wlong has he lived there? Depending on NV law you will be required to give him a 30 or 60 day notice to vacate. If he fails to leave then you go to court and begin eviction process. Gail in Georgia probably will know time frame if she sees thread I am sure she will reply
I am not up on NV law but here in CA a 60 day notice is required for tenants who have lived in a place that long. Ask a Tenant/Landlord Attorney about which is lawful 30 or 60 day. You can also find sample "notice to vacate" forms all over internet. He need not be served. Just give him form and document day and time be sure its noted on form when time period begins and ends. Document when you give tenant form and if possible have a witness. Once time period expires and he has not left begin eviction process.
In Nevada, one need only give a 30 day notice to terminate a month to month tenancy. A tenant who has no written lease but pays on a monthly basis is considered to be a "month to month" renter; i.e., the verbal lease goes from one month to the other. If he pays on a weekly basis, he is a "week to week" renter and only 7 days notice need be given.

No reason for the termination be given; this is a good thing for you. If your roommate was on a year lease I am not certain that the reasons you state for ending the lease would be valid enough to evict someone.

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