Roomate Eviction a roommate ny

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Eviction a roommate that doesn't want to leave I'm the master tenant he has lived here about 5 months we gave him month and a half to leave he agreed and we both signed the receipt wrote there the date was supposed to leave the time is due and he still here without paying rent .the receipt is the type of receipt use in restaurants
we have videos recorded where he is stealing my grocery stuff , my baby food .we don't have any contract the agreed was verbally I just gave him a rules sheet there it specify that if we need the room back or if he wish to move should told ahead of time he signed the sheet he has a copy I also have the same signed for him I didn't signed it he changed the lock of the room he is living without our approval .we show him the videos and we call the police but they said they can't eviction him or arrested because is a minor issue and is dificult to prove of whom is the stuff the police told us that if we want to eviction him we should go to court .In my lease say that I have to request to my landlord by writing a permission to rent but I didn't. my landlord doesn't know about it .I rented it just for a couple of months because a was fear to be homeless my son was been checked for health issues and we give the roommate a notice about it with month and a half .we help him finding about 30 available rooms we only recive excuses and denies. My son has been diagnosed with moderate to severe autism and a chromosome genetic issue we need the room for my son therapies .also this person is to dirty and doesn't help with the cleaning chores he takes everything I buy I had to take all my stuff to my room I can't leave anything that won't be in my room .plus we offered him give him back money of one month even he lived that month and pay the moving van or truck .he also is accusing my wife without evidence that she wanted kill by herself with a knife Wich is not true .he likes to lie a lot and give a lot of excuses and he agreed something and days later denies what he agreed even if he signed .We are poor people my son and me receive ssi and food stamps but we have a little money if we need i wold like to know how much does it cost to eviction him if a lawyer offer a flat rate.
and what is the probability that my landlord can eviction him or both him and me for violating the lease .what should expect from my landlord My lease will expire next march I don't know if renew it or not or just leave the apartment with this man and the landlord kick him out .what can I do and how long is the eviction process in court and what are my chances to win or lose.?
Thank you.
You have no right to rent rooms. Your lease and your landlord don't allow you to sublet.
You probably can't evict him, even if you took him to court.
You might want to come clean to your land lord and ask him to evict the deadbeat.

An eviction can take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks.
Google "eviction your county, NY" to see examples and complete explanations.
Evictions can cost about $100 to $200 for filing and service fees.
Ok and what about if I contract a landlord-tenant lawyer to eviction him .
Can anyway talk with my landlord about it or may I do it without talk with my landlord ?
Or only need a lawyer. And my landlord doesn't get notified about it.
I don't want to lose my apartment
Ok and what about if I contract a landlord-tenant lawyer to eviction him .
Can anyway talk with my landlord about it or may I do it without talk with my landlord ?
Or only need a lawyer. And my landlord doesn't get notified about it.
I don't want to lose my apartment

You had no authority to rent to him. You have no authority to have him evicted. A lawyer only acts upon your lawful authority. There's nothing a lawyer can do to evict him under your authority. You have none!

He knows you shouldn't have rented to him. He's going to ride the FREE train you've given him. You just adopted a deadbeat.

What you've done has put your tenancy at risk. Landlords tend to evict both parties in situations similar to yours.

All you can do is come clean with the landlord, beg him not to evict you, ask him to evict the deadbeat, and promise to never try to sublet again.
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