Eviction Notice 2005

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New Member
I was serious injury at work in 2005 and had 4 operations and now is Permanently disable. I told the land that I will pay my rent. My employer delayed my pay checks and cause me a hardship at the time. I explain this to the property manager that my pay check will take about a week to come. she said OK? I paid the rent to a collection company. When I was release from the hospital 1 week later and was able to travel to my apt the manager has enter and took most of my it house furiture all ram shack the place. I had a witness with me and the police arrived and was shocked. I'm being denied from renting other apartments because the property manager is has an eviction on my record thought the apartment assocation. The place were I'm at in now drug peope has moved in. I can not protect my self phyically. I did send a signture reture letter via US Post office on Sept 2009. No reply as of this writing. An apartment manager is willing to rent to me if I can clear this matter. I need help. I'am a diable person with all the medical paper work.

Your biggest problem is that this illegal eviction occurred nearly 5 years ago and you didn't deal with it then.
If a credit agency is showing an eviction on your record, dispute that entry with the credit agency directly. Also send a notice to the property owner/association demanding that the entry be cleared since it was an illegal eviction.
The credit agency will likely remove the entry if the landlord can not produce evidence of a legal eviction (meaning a signed and stamped document from the court).
If you have not already done so, you might seeka free consult with an attorney over the matter to see if there are any damages you might be able to collect from the illegal eviction, but due to the time that has passed you may be out of luck.
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