Roomate Eviction / (Prince George's County) / No lease Agreement

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Hello All!

I'm currently am residing in a rented house. The name on the lease is the people I stay with there's two of them, a married couple. I was asked if I could move in to help take care of an elderly lady who also resides in this same house. So I moved in.

I've been living here for over four months now. And since me helping out, me and the wife of the other roommate got into an argument because she had hit the elderly lady. I have a problem with that so I told her that she could go to jail for elderly abuse. I feel that I could even go to jail for not reporting it. But anyway, ever since I said what I said, this woman feels scared of me now.

So now, the lease holder on the papers has given me seven days to move out via written notice. That notice also states that they will reverse their decision if I agree to continue to go to therapy (because I also see a psychiatrist, help out with the care of their grandmother, clean the common area of the elderly lady and there was something else I can't remember) I also pay over 600 a month to live here although I've paid these people via cash which I know now should have been through other trackable means.

Anyway, the letter was dates 29 May 2014 so those seven days will expire on Wednesday of next week. When they gave me the letter, they wanted me to sign it. But the letter just sounded wrong so I told them I didn't feel comfortable signing it. They then told me that I have until Wednesday to give them the letter with my signature or they are going to force me to move out after the seven days expires.

I honestly don't have a lease agreement or a sublet but can someone please please tell me if I'm screwing myself for not signing this letter? I feel that if by doing so I give up my rights and if I do sign it and they get upset with me for ANY reason, then they would have the right to kick me out with 7 days.

I am going to move out cause I think that the wife has it in for me and wants me gone because of our argument but I would need at least 30 days.

I know this site only can point me in the right direction and only a lawyer can offer legal advice but still.

I live in the state of Maryland in Prince George's County.

If I don't sign that letter, what could happen next??

If I do sign it, what could happen next??

Thank you for any advice! :-)
PS: My Maryland drivers license and all my mail is the same as the address I live at (the place I've been living at for four months now)
The letter is meaningless whether you sign it or not. They could not LEGALLY put you out in 7 days.
If you plan to move out then start looking immediately. Don't wait 30 days if you can leave in 15. The longer you stay the worse it will likely get.
If you have LEGITIMATE concerns for the safety of the elderly woman consider making a report to social services.
Get out today. They could make stuff up to get you in trouble. They are two, you are one.
Say they beat the crap out of the old lady, rob her, maybe they even kill her.
Then they say YOU did it.
Both of them lie about you, kill the old woman, and blame YOU.

You are in a very risky and precarious position.

Don't wait 30 days, even 15 days, shoot for 48 hours.

They could be plotting, planning, and scheming against you right now.
What if the woman claims that you felt her up, touched her in her naughty spot, waved your little helmeted warrior in her face, or worse?

It's sad about the old lady, but you facing a murder charge or an elderly abuse charge, wouldn't that be worse for YOU?
I really do agree with you both, 100%, however, I have to wait for 30 days only because I need to now save up the funds to pay the rent at a new place. So I've decided to just write a letter myself letting them know that I officially submit my 30 days notice. Last Tuesday, I gave these people 320 dollars in cash, which I know I was stupid to do. But after I give the notice, I will not be giving them any more money.

I don't know why I care for this elderly woman as much as I do. I really feel scared for her. The wife has hit this woman twice now that I know of. The second time was when the elderly lady had kicked Christine (the wife) in the stomach while we were cleaning her and as Christine was washing her backside, the elderly lady kicked her. Christine through the dirty wipe in the grandmothers face, called her a B*tch and screamed at her yelling, if you cause me to lose my baby I'll kill you.

Now I know Christine was just angry but she still had absolutely no right to do or say anything bad to the grandmother.

I'm sorry folks for venting and I don't mean to sound like I have issues but this is really happening. And yes I need to get away from it all.

I just hope that when I give the 30 day notice and saying I will not sign that other letter, cause I'm not, that when I get home from work I hope I don't find my personal belongings out by the street.

Thank you both for responding!!
Better they toss your junk, than make up a lie and blame you for killing Granny.
Dude, I'd rather be homeless than in jail headed to prison.

It'll happen quicker than a judge can say, GUILTY.

Watch your six.
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