Eviction- tresspassing/burgurlary

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New Member
I am in the process of an eviction, my first hearing is in 4 days. Since I agree I own back rent and knew i would be evicted, found a place to live. Over this current weekend started moving out, key word started. Some of my personal property was still in the residence. My landlord gave a key and permission to a neighbors to enter the residence and remove my property were they continued to place it into storage and advise my aquiaintances that I am now liable for those fees also. I know they trespassed because the eviction hasnt been fully addressed by court yet. I am just unaware of how to approach this for my hearing and what legal actions to take.

Haha just realised spelled burglary wrong....
For what it's worth, you also spelled trespass incorrectly.

You can bring up this issue at the eviction hearing. Your landlord is likely to say they assumed you had abandoned the unit since you yourself state you found another place to live.

Did you notify your landlord that while you were vacating the rental, you would return for your items? If not, it is not unreasonable to assume the landlord felt you had simply abandoned the rental and would not be returning. That is usually what happens when someone knows they will be evicted.

I'm not sure you can argue this is a burglary since you know where your items are being stored.

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