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New Member
My husband and i are in middle of divorce, because of the situation our landlord told me to get all of the stuff out of the house (husband abandoned us and all of his stuff) i have moved out with my kids and the stuff i needed. so far my soon to be ex-husband has not came back to get his stuff and the landlord is talking of eviction. can i go back and get the rest of the stuff there and get rid of it? sell, give away ect..? or when the evction starts does the landlord get to keep it? there is some really nice tools and things there that would b a shame to just throw away. some of the things are from his first daughter birth and personal things, i would like to get it to give to her the next time i see her. please let me know what the laws are on abandonment of personal property and eviction. thank you
Is the separation the only reason the landlord told you to leave? If rent has been paid there was no reason for you to heed what the landlord had to say and you are free to go back in and retrieve whatever you have in there.

When did you move out?

Yup- sounds like there was no reason for you to move out. At least as you explain it anyway...

As for the property, you have every right to take ALL property out of the house. Do with it as you please, however keep in mind that if you sell or give away valuable items you might later be ordered to compensate the ex for the loss. At the same time, if he abandoned it, he can't reasonably expect you to hold on to it forever, so best to run your plans by the attorney handling your divorce before you get rid of any property.
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