Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks evidence tampering?

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New Member
I have been charged with identity theft.I had property confiscated and I was sent a letter from the police dept. to pick up my property upon doing so i discovered that some of the very items I am charged with were given back to me. It seems obvious that it was done on purpose since it was not hidden and impossible to overlook .the detective released these items to be picked up. Is this a set up? or possible grounds for dismisal? and if so possible re filing of different charges that were missed oringinaly? Thanks, REALLY STRESSED!
I have been charged with identity theft.I had property confiscated and I was sent a letter from the police dept. to pick up my property upon doing so i discovered that some of the very items I am charged with were given back to me. It seems obvious that it was done on purpose since it was not hidden and impossible to overlook .the detective released these items to be picked up. Is this a set up? or possible grounds for dismisal? and if so possible re filing of different charges that were missed oringinaly? Thanks, REALLY STRESSED!

You never know, but the police are very clever; and crooks are very dumb.

If you don't want to get caught, don't play the game.
If the items were not yours you could have refused them. If they are now in you're possession there is no harm in destroying them, or if they are actually identification cards (real ones) drop them in a mailbox and they will find their way home. No need for you to hold on to them though.
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