ex boyfriend & property left with him

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New Member
Bought a home with my ex boyfriend. Acquired a home depot and roomstore credit card, I as the primary card holder and he as an authorized user (not sure if one or both). left the home and all of the furniture purchased with the roomstore card. we made an agreement that he would pay both cards monthly. i enrolled in a dmp and he was to pay a certain amount. well, just like me, he is finacially strapped. i have been extremely lenient but now ia have had enough. he is negative $500. I have been picking up his slack. it is not fair for me to pay this money if i do not have the furniture. what can i do legally to either get my money or remove the furniture. what can I say to him?
If you're the primary card holder and he is not a joint account holder, then you are the one stuck for the entire bill. You might want to tell him (and later send him a certified letter confirming the agreement) stating that he hasn't paid the bills and is in default of your agreement. He agrees he doesn't have the means to afford the payments. As such, you can and will need to sell the property, since there is no other alternative. Tell him to please make arrangements to allow you to pick up the furniture. If he does not agree and protests, let him also know you'll have to sue him in court and a judgment against him will look much worse and you hope you can resolve it amicably. Seems logical to me.
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