Ex boyfriends belongings

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My boyfriend has lived with me for the last 3 years. During that time, we acquired several pieces of furniture, electronics, 4-wheeler and snowblower. At the beginning of June I told him it was over and he needed to find a new place to live. At the end of july things got really ugly between us to the point that the State Police was at my house 3 times in one week. the last time the police were at the house was to witness him removing his belongings from my house. There was still stuff left at the house when he left. 2 wks ago he came back to get more of his stuff but still did not take it all. Now he is being verbally abusive to me and I want his stuff out of my house. How long does he have to come get his things before I no longer need to allow him on my property and do I have any legal right to any of the possessions we acquired during the relationship? I have allowed him to take everything we acquired together with the exception of the snowblower and now he wants me to pay him $300 for it!
My boyfriend has lived with me for the last 3 years. During that time, we acquired several pieces of furniture, electronics, 4-wheeler and snowblower. At the beginning of June I told him it was over and he needed to find a new place to live. At the end of july things got really ugly between us to the point that the State Police was at my house 3 times in one week. the last time the police were at the house was to witness him removing his belongings from my house. There was still stuff left at the house when he left. 2 wks ago he came back to get more of his stuff but still did not take it all. Now he is being verbally abusive to me and I want his stuff out of my house. How long does he have to come get his things before I no longer need to allow him on my property and do I have any legal right to any of the possessions we acquired during the relationship? I have allowed him to take everything we acquired together with the exception of the snowblower and now he wants me to pay him $300 for it!

You don't have to pay him anything for that snow blower.
It is as much yours as it was his.

Send him a letter to his last known address.
Send it regular and certified mail, return receipt requested.
In the letter tell him he has 30 days to get his property.
If he doesn't retrieve the property, you're going to dispose of it.

That oughtta smoke him outta the woods.
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