Ex-employer commiting fraud and harassing me

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New Member
Former boss from couple years ago has been submitting false evidence and LYING to NYS dept of labor in order to stop me from collecting unemployment.

Long story short; DOL ruled in MY favor TWICE. Now he's calling and texting my boyfriend!!!!

What can I legally do to get this BS out of my life for good??????

I'm tired of the harassment.

Might I also add; we were TOLD to quit that job!!!!!!!! I have accurate evidence of everything.
Have your boy friend change his # or just block the calls (easier). Your former boss will most likely eventually get tired of "bothering" you & quit as long as you ignore him.
If you ignore him, he'll just slither away.
Changing your numbers makes the snake slither away quicker.
Whatever you do, DON'T engage the snake.
That excites these creatures, and it's kind of like giving milk to a stray cat.
Soon, you'll have several stray cats begging for milk, fleas, ticks, lice, and all.
This isn't really an employment issue at this point. If it is bad enough, you can file for a restraining order. Blocking the calls is probably much easier. As for his claims to the DOL, ignore it as clearly it hasn't affected your benefits at all.
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