Ex Husband refuses to pay me child support

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My Ex husband refuses to pay his child support. I recieved a summons to appear in court for his contempt. This makes the second time he has been in contempt of court for non-support. He lost his visitation of my daughter, so therefore he feels since my daughter refuses to see or talk to him, he should not have to pay me child support. He quit his job the judge previousy orderd him to get in order to have his child support taken from his check. He works for himself and hides alot of his income. Every time he's gone to court, the judge has been easy on him. Any advice anyone can give to convince the judge to give him jail time to teach him a lesson? This man thinks he's above the law, mainly because he's been allowed to get away with it. I'm just really tired of having to go to court over him. Any advice would be appreciated.
Him being self employed is part of the problem. You cannot prive what he makes.

Do you have an attorney? How far is he in arrears? Generally he faces jail time but if he has a lenient judge, that is not good.

You can try your luck with a child support collection agency. Sometimes they will do things CSE will not. There is no out of pocket costs, they take a % of what is recovered. You might call one and talk to them to see if they can help.
A lot of judges wont send them to jail unless they owe a large amount and even then they wont. My ex owes $17,000 and has never been put in jail for not paying. All you can do is request that he be put in jail and see what the judge says. In the child support handbook it states that the Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 makes it a Federal crime to willfully fail to pay support for a child living in another State but that doesn't help if you live in the same state. If you go though the child support office for the enforcement then just keep bugging them until they do something or ask them if he can be arrested and maybe they will consider it. If you don't go through that office then all you can do is request it from a judge, but nothing is guaranteed to happen.
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