Eviction Notice ex husbands landlord coming after me.



My husband and I separated in Dec of 2013. I moved and I told the landlord I did so. The lease had turned into a month to month by that time. That landlord contacted me yesterday 4/20/2016 and said he was evicting my ex and that since we were still married I was getting served a legal notice and he was coming after me too. I said how can you I moved in 2013 and am legally separated and not responsible for what happened after I moved out 3 years ago. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Can he hold me responsible.
Yes, he can. You are still married. Presumably your name is on the last lease signed which makes you financially responsible.
Even if you were divorced, you could still be held responsible as the landlord is not a party to your divorce and not bound by its provisions.

You'll want this addressed in your decree and if you are able to stick your husband with the debt you'll want an indemnification clause in the decree so you can go after him for any money this might cost you.

If you are served with a summons and complaint YOU MUST RESPOND according to the summons instructions. If you don't there will be a default judgment issued against you.

I suggest you check the court to see if there has been a case filed against you and your husband and carefully monitor it to make sure you know what's going on.