Ex-landlord attempting to sue for damages after security deposit was returned

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New Member
Hi all,

I'm in NJ, and we recently moved out of our apartment. During our final walkthrough our landlord was satisfied with the condition of the house and gave us back our full security deposits. Now three weeks later, he has returned and is saying there is odor caused by our cats and wants us to pay for the damages. We left the place in sparkling condition and we did not detect any odor at all.

Initially we refused. When he responded he said that he "proof" that the place was tainted because he once took pictures of one of our dirty cat boxes, implying that they then urinated over the rest of the house. He also insists on having several witnesses that the place still smells, including the new tenants and his handyman. He said that he tried to clean the place, and instead decided to repaint the whole apartment. He sent us the bill for approximately $700 and said that if we paid it, he would settle and drop any potential charges. He did supply records of payment to the painting company, for work and supplies. He also insists there are several other charges that he will not be charging us for if we settle soon.

We're not entirely sure what to do. The whole situation sounds like he's trying to extort us to pay for the apartment's new paint job. The language he used sounded like a debt collector (I can post the e-mail, if necessary), he began threatening to start garnishing our wages, as it we are unaware that small claims court exists and that we can fight it.

Anyway, I know the burden of proof is on him. He insists the damages are "hidden" but we do not believe any damage was actually caused, and that any methods he's taken to clean the place are excessive anyway. The fact that he's backpedaling on the security deposit issue is also very shifty. I can't find any legal precedence for a case like this since the deposit was returned. Does anyone have any advice? We are going to be taking to a lawyer tomorrow to see where we might stand. I'm also reticent to not hand out the $700 he's requesting, not only out of principle, but because he might potentially just take it and try to sue anyway.
Ignore his revenue demands.
He released from all claims when he returned your
Security Deposit in it's entirety.
He has no case.

You don't legally owe him a dime.
If he sues, so what?
Allowing him to extort money from you could be
seen as your acceptance or acknowledgment
of guilt or culpability.

Hi all,

I'm in NJ, and we recently moved out of our apartment. During our final walkthrough our landlord was satisfied with the condition of the house and gave us back our full security deposits. Now three weeks later, he has returned and is saying there is odor caused by our cats and wants us to pay for the damages. We left the place in sparkling condition and we did not detect any odor at all.

Initially we refused. When he responded he said that he "proof" that the place was tainted because he once took pictures of one of our dirty cat boxes, implying that they then urinated over the rest of the house. He also insists on having several witnesses that the place still smells, including the new tenants and his handyman. He said that he tried to clean the place, and instead decided to repaint the whole apartment. He sent us the bill for approximately $700 and said that if we paid it, he would settle and drop any potential charges. He did supply records of payment to the painting company, for work and supplies. He also insists there are several other charges that he will not be charging us for if we settle soon.

We're not entirely sure what to do. The whole situation sounds like he's trying to extort us to pay for the apartment's new paint job. The language he used sounded like a debt collector (I can post the e-mail, if necessary), he began threatening to start garnishing our wages, as it we are unaware that small claims court exists and that we can fight it.

Anyway, I know the burden of proof is on him. He insists the damages are "hidden" but we do not believe any damage was actually caused, and that any methods he's taken to clean the place are excessive anyway. The fact that he's backpedaling on the security deposit issue is also very shifty. I can't find any legal precedence for a case like this since the deposit was returned. Does anyone have any advice? We are going to be taking to a lawyer tomorrow to see where we might stand. I'm also reticent to not hand out the $700 he's requesting, not only out of principle, but because he might potentially just take it and try to sue anyway.
Stop communicating with him. If he wants to contact you he can do so in writing through the mail. Do not respond. If you are ordered to court then go. Otherwise this is over.
Hi all,

I'm in NJ, and we recently moved out of our apartment. During our final walkthrough our landlord was satisfied with the condition of the house and gave us back our full security deposits. Now three weeks later, he has returned and is saying there is odor caused by our cats and wants us to pay for the damages. We left the place in sparkling condition and we did not detect any odor at all.

Initially we refused. When he responded he said that he "proof" that the place was tainted because he once took pictures of one of our dirty cat boxes, implying that they then urinated over the rest of the house. He also insists on having several witnesses that the place still smells, including the new tenants and his handyman. He said that he tried to clean the place, and instead decided to repaint the whole apartment. He sent us the bill for approximately $700 and said that if we paid it, he would settle and drop any potential charges. He did supply records of payment to the painting company, for work and supplies. He also insists there are several other charges that he will not be charging us for if we settle soon.

We're not entirely sure what to do. The whole situation sounds like he's trying to extort us to pay for the apartment's new paint job. The language he used sounded like a debt collector (I can post the e-mail, if necessary), he began threatening to start garnishing our wages, as it we are unaware that small claims court exists and that we can fight it.

Anyway, I know the burden of proof is on him. He insists the damages are "hidden" but we do not believe any damage was actually caused, and that any methods he's taken to clean the place are excessive anyway. The fact that he's backpedaling on the security deposit issue is also very shifty. I can't find any legal precedence for a case like this since the deposit was returned. Does anyone have any advice? We are going to be taking to a lawyer tomorrow to see where we might stand. I'm also reticent to not hand out the $700 he's requesting, not only out of principle, but because he might potentially just take it and try to sue anyway.

He is full of it....cat urine is one smell you can't cover up. Do as the others have said and ignore him. Good luck.
1 more thing, PAINT? paint would do no good as the cat didnt urinate on the walls, If the cat urine story is true he would have had to put new carpet and pading in.
We talked to a lawyer today and he advised mostly the same thing - just to send one last e-mail reiterating that we had fulfilled our part of the deal, and to cease any further communications. Originally he wanted the settlement money by Friday, then changed it to 5 PM today (which has now passed) which seems like he's panicking.

I don't get the paint thing either. If we do end up in court that is another thing we will be arguing because it just doesn't make sense for him to do that.

Anyway, thanks all for your advice!
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