Ex-roommate Money Issues

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New Member
I have a huge problem with a former roommate. I go to a university, and last fall I moved into a house with 5 other girls. We each agreed to put $400 into a bank account in order to pay the bills. One of the girls started the bank account in her name, and she wrote the checks for the bills and bought house items such as paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. At the beginning of the spring semester [January], one roommate moved out, but the rent was paid so we didn't have to find a new roommate. This semester we each gave the account holder $300. This brings the total amount to close to $4000. A few weeks ago, the roommate who holds the account was served with a search warrant due to a drug investigation. It was revealed that she had been selling marijuana, possibly out of the house. The police informed us that she will soon be arrested, and the landlord evicted her last week. When she moved out, she informed one of my roommates that she is taking back her $300 from this semester, she will be paying one last bill, and after that there is NO MONEY left in the account. The remaining roommates and I all agree that this is impossible, because there should have been at least $1800 in the account starting in January. It is only March, and there is no possible way that we have spent that much money just on bills and paper towels. Also, we feel that she shouldn't take the full $300 because the semester is already half over, and if anything, she should only take $150.

The problem is we don't have much documentation to prove anything, because she took all of the old bills with her, and some of us gave her cash for the account rather than checks, and we didn't have a written agreement about what to do with the money.

Is there anyone who knows any possible way to solve this? I want to take the roommate to small claims court. Do you think a judge would rule in our favor without much paper evidence?
It would be very difficult to prove your case without some type of written documentation. However, if all of you agree to be in the lawsuit against this roommate it is likely to add more weight to your story than if just you filed the lawsuit.

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