Ex-Spouse has not settled after court order

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New Member
my ex-spouse was ordered to pay me a settlement and he was given 60 days to make payment. My ex-spouse has not made payment and will not tell me when he thinks he will be able to pay. Of course my lawyer wants more money to persue this but I am already broke as it is and I am owed a good deal of money. I would like to file on my own but I don't know if the is a Motion and order to show cause, or some other form. I am in North Carolina and really need the help in getting the proper form to file or if there is another route I should be looking at to get what is court ordered to me.
I don't know about the law in NC but, in CA you can file a Writ of Execution with the court to have them levy his bank account or go after his personal assets.
The Writ of Excecution sound like it would be a final step in this process. I have been hearing from Law enforcement friends I need to do a Motion to Order to Show Cause. NC Clerk of Courts office said the same thing about the Show Cause but they could not direct me to the proper form to file. Any help would be great in getting the proper form.
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