ex violating visitation aggreement

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New Member
The main reason for our divorce was many affairs. The main was with another married women. They have continued on & off together this past year. It clearly states in our papers that she not have any contact with my children until she is legally seperated. He had her around them numerous times. I spoke with her husband yesterday and there year seperation just ended this month and she has yet to obtain her own attorney. Also it clearly states (in SC) that there be no overnights with women when my ex has the children for visitation. I have found out from one of my children that he has let her stay over several times in the past. When he questioned this his dad told him it was allowed so that he wouldn't tell me.
Her husband and I have just found out that they are moving into an apartment together this weekend. They just started dating again within the last 3 months. My question is how do I handle visitation? I don't want them spending the night with her and they have proven time and time again that they can't be trusted. Do I have to send them for overnight visits?
The main reason for our divorce was many affairs. The main was with another married women. They have continued on & off together this past year. It clearly states in our papers that she not have any contact with my children until she is legally seperated. He had her around them numerous times. I spoke with her husband yesterday and there year seperation just ended this month and she has yet to obtain her own attorney. Also it clearly states (in SC) that there be no overnights with women when my ex has the children for visitation. I have found out from one of my children that he has let her stay over several times in the past. When he questioned this his dad told him it was allowed so that he wouldn't tell me.
Her husband and I have just found out that they are moving into an apartment together this weekend. They just started dating again within the last 3 months. My question is how do I handle visitation? I don't want them spending the night with her and they have proven time and time again that they can't be trusted. Do I have to send them for overnight visits?

You must obey the court order.
If you disobey the court order, it can mean trouble for you.

If you have proof that HE is violating the court order, you have to haul his loser behind back to court and the judge will address it.
However, until (and if) that happens, you must OBEY the court's order.
If you disobey the court's order, he'll be hauling you into court whining about what you did.
So, if you wanna fix this, take him back to court and tell the judge.
Until the judge changes anything, for your own good, OBEY the judge's orders!
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