ex wife boyfriend has criminal background

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The wife has boy friend who has in the past and recently been in and out of jail. Can I place a order to keep him away from the kids. I feel he is not fit to be around kids due to his past.
Depends entirely on the crime itself, when it was committed and when he started dating Mom?
Simply having a criminal record is NOT going to be sufficient to get a judge to issue an order preventing him from being around the kids. Can you articulate that he is a danger to the kids for some reason?
The wife has boy friend who has in the past and recently been in and out of jail. Can I place a order to keep him away from the kids. I feel he is not fit to be around kids due to his past.

Sorry, dude. She could date Satan, Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and 15 brahma bulls; the court is very unlikely to take much interest.
Sad, isn't it?
Well this guy has tried to strangle a ex girl friend before. He has recently been in and out of jail for drunk driving wrecking his car. Also drug charges and violation of probation.
Well this guy has tried to strangle a ex girl friend before. He has recently been in and out of jail for drunk driving wrecking his car. Also drug charges and violation of probation.

Has he been convicted of the strangulation? Or, is that merely rumor?

DUI and drugs - by themselves - are not likely to compel a court to prevent him from being with the kids' mother from time to time. If there comes a time that they get married or he shacks up with them, MAYBE a court MIGHT be interested if there is some objective and articulable facts to support a reasonable belief the kids might be at risk.
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