Ex wife who wont quit.

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I am Federal Law Enforcement Officer in Texas and have been divorced from my Ex wife since 2007 and I now reside out of state. I am now under adminstrative investigation because she filed a complaint with my law enforcement agency that I associated with known criminals and had colluded with her previous ex-husband to kidnap the children. I have done neither of these things and have not even been back to Texas since 2010. Furthermore I have never met her previous ex-husband. No criminal charges were ever filed against me and I have been assured that the administrative cased will be closed in the near future. I am subject to background checks every three years and fear these allegations, even if I am cleared, could affect my background investigations or promotions in the future. Do I have any legal recourse?
If they are false you can file a Civil claim against your EX. You can request your employer remove any record of this once your cleared
Not much you can do to fix stupid. You'd have to sue her in federal court. You could sue her for slander or libel. But, that would be hard, because the damages must exceed $10,000 to bring such a federal action in fact, it might be more now. Those cases are rare these days. The harder part, even if the case went forward from your home state, let's say it's Montana. She could get the case moved to Texas. So, your expenses just went up. Suing her in a Texas court is possible, but that gets real expensive

I suggest you stay clean, keep a record of your whereabouts, your associates, and be ready to take a polygraph anytime. Most federal agencies take great stock in the poly for crap like this. Sooner or later they will begin to see her for the nut job she is.
Thank you for your willingness to serve.
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