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My Aunt died in November after a long, hard illness. Her friend Ann is the executor of her Trust. They lived together most of their lives.
My Aunt was wealthy. She left everything to Ann. Ann announced to us that instead of going through my Aunt's lawyer to read the Trust to us, she was going to use their Financial Advisor (FA), because it would save money on a lawyer. She also said a Trust can't be contested, so my Aunt opted to do it this way so that it would be in stone, with no strings. Just a done deal, period. My father (my aunt's brother), mother and sister went to her office. To say this FA was an all out witch is an understatment. She was so rude and abusive to my parents and sister it was all I could do to walk out.
We were told that Ann was "allowing as favor" (exact words) for us to see 3 pages of Trust to "prove" that no one was being left any money except me. We were not allowed to take these sheets. :no: We could not have copies. Ann was doing us a huge favor letting us see this as a courtesy; she didn't "have to".
The FA read through these pages of figures to show us that my Aunt had only X money left at her death, money had already been removed from her holdings for various things, and to 'prove' that my father and sister were indeed not a part of the Trust and got nothing. I was being left a sum of money. I was to get about 1/3rd now and then when Ann died, if her estate had the difference to give me, out of it would come the remainder of the money to make the sum total. We were given about 15 minutes to hear all this. When my dad asked if we could get a copy of the Trust or Will, the FA smirked and said she is not obligated to give it to us, but if we wanted to pay we could get a copy of the Will from the lawyer. The FA knows my parents don't have money to do this. Really, she was mocking and belittling them and my sister with cracks the entire time we were there. Ann said not a word.
My parents were devastated. This is not at all what my Aunt has been saying to my father the last few years. It broke my heart. It didn't make sense since my Aunt and father were very close.
The FA said she didn't care what was 'said', she had to go by what was on paper. My dad (who is ill and elderly) asked if he could see the actual Will or Trust, and the FA told him no. We were being "allowed" to see what Ann felt applied to 'us' and the rest was not our concern. Since then I have learned that I am entitled to see all this. I was so stunned at the treatment of everyone at the time I didn't think to ask.
The FA said it could be a year before I got any money because all bills have to come in and be paid out of estate first. Dad asked if I couldn't even have a 'bit' of money and she said no. We're talking 5% of what I'm supposed to get now. She then said well maybe in 6 or 7 months I could get something but she didn't want to give me money and then have to ask for it back if the estate ran out of money before all the bills were paid.
For the life of us we dont see that my Aunt had bills. She had health insurance and never as a penny behind on a thing.
I called Ann this week to ask what's going on & she was stunned I'd asked. I also asked what would happen, or what can I do about this money if I die before her; my health is very bad. She said oh no, I'm only getting money when she dies. I about fell off my chair. This is not true at all. She also said if something happened to me before her, she just gets to 'assign' my money to whomever she wants then, she figures. If Person A isn't around to get the money then Person G can have it. it's up to her. I told her what the terms of the Trust was, and she got flustered because she really has no clue what's going on. I've been sitting here all this time thinking the wheels are in motion and being patient, and she thought everything was done with.
She said she'd call the FA "soon" and did. She called to tell me the FA told her the FA and her assistants are going to have a meeting next week to "figure out the taxes" and then she will get back to her.
I don't know if this FA is spending, hiding or what. As I've researched I think I understand that since I AM in the Trust, I may ask for an accounting of what's being done with "my" money or the money. The way it was presented to us at this Trust Meeting, if all that is left of my Aunt's estate after the dust settles is $100, so be it. If when Ann dies she has $100, so be it. Whatever I end up with, that's how it goes. I am not "owed" nor do I already have in stone the amount my Aunt cited.
To say I'm getting PO'd is an understatment.
I don't know if I ought to get a lawyer. I know this FA can't have all this legal right to dictate how the Trust money is being held or spent or distributed and when. Ann truly is as dumb as a gumball, so it's not a matter of her being devious.
Any advice is appreciated!
My Aunt was wealthy. She left everything to Ann. Ann announced to us that instead of going through my Aunt's lawyer to read the Trust to us, she was going to use their Financial Advisor (FA), because it would save money on a lawyer. She also said a Trust can't be contested, so my Aunt opted to do it this way so that it would be in stone, with no strings. Just a done deal, period. My father (my aunt's brother), mother and sister went to her office. To say this FA was an all out witch is an understatment. She was so rude and abusive to my parents and sister it was all I could do to walk out.
We were told that Ann was "allowing as favor" (exact words) for us to see 3 pages of Trust to "prove" that no one was being left any money except me. We were not allowed to take these sheets. :no: We could not have copies. Ann was doing us a huge favor letting us see this as a courtesy; she didn't "have to".
The FA read through these pages of figures to show us that my Aunt had only X money left at her death, money had already been removed from her holdings for various things, and to 'prove' that my father and sister were indeed not a part of the Trust and got nothing. I was being left a sum of money. I was to get about 1/3rd now and then when Ann died, if her estate had the difference to give me, out of it would come the remainder of the money to make the sum total. We were given about 15 minutes to hear all this. When my dad asked if we could get a copy of the Trust or Will, the FA smirked and said she is not obligated to give it to us, but if we wanted to pay we could get a copy of the Will from the lawyer. The FA knows my parents don't have money to do this. Really, she was mocking and belittling them and my sister with cracks the entire time we were there. Ann said not a word.
My parents were devastated. This is not at all what my Aunt has been saying to my father the last few years. It broke my heart. It didn't make sense since my Aunt and father were very close.
The FA said she didn't care what was 'said', she had to go by what was on paper. My dad (who is ill and elderly) asked if he could see the actual Will or Trust, and the FA told him no. We were being "allowed" to see what Ann felt applied to 'us' and the rest was not our concern. Since then I have learned that I am entitled to see all this. I was so stunned at the treatment of everyone at the time I didn't think to ask.
The FA said it could be a year before I got any money because all bills have to come in and be paid out of estate first. Dad asked if I couldn't even have a 'bit' of money and she said no. We're talking 5% of what I'm supposed to get now. She then said well maybe in 6 or 7 months I could get something but she didn't want to give me money and then have to ask for it back if the estate ran out of money before all the bills were paid.
For the life of us we dont see that my Aunt had bills. She had health insurance and never as a penny behind on a thing.
I called Ann this week to ask what's going on & she was stunned I'd asked. I also asked what would happen, or what can I do about this money if I die before her; my health is very bad. She said oh no, I'm only getting money when she dies. I about fell off my chair. This is not true at all. She also said if something happened to me before her, she just gets to 'assign' my money to whomever she wants then, she figures. If Person A isn't around to get the money then Person G can have it. it's up to her. I told her what the terms of the Trust was, and she got flustered because she really has no clue what's going on. I've been sitting here all this time thinking the wheels are in motion and being patient, and she thought everything was done with.
She said she'd call the FA "soon" and did. She called to tell me the FA told her the FA and her assistants are going to have a meeting next week to "figure out the taxes" and then she will get back to her.
I don't know if this FA is spending, hiding or what. As I've researched I think I understand that since I AM in the Trust, I may ask for an accounting of what's being done with "my" money or the money. The way it was presented to us at this Trust Meeting, if all that is left of my Aunt's estate after the dust settles is $100, so be it. If when Ann dies she has $100, so be it. Whatever I end up with, that's how it goes. I am not "owed" nor do I already have in stone the amount my Aunt cited.
To say I'm getting PO'd is an understatment.
I don't know if I ought to get a lawyer. I know this FA can't have all this legal right to dictate how the Trust money is being held or spent or distributed and when. Ann truly is as dumb as a gumball, so it's not a matter of her being devious.
Any advice is appreciated!