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I just wanted to get some information as to how to proceed.

My name is David, and I'm finding out about this issue on behalf of my aunt and her family.

My aunts father was a resident of New York for decades and he lived and worked there. My aunt and the rest of the family live in Poland. (just to complicate things, I'm in Australia).

They have asked to see if I can figure out what to do.

Well here is the story

He died in 2003, and my aunts mother flew to the US to arrange everything, she does not speak English.

She was approached by a work friend of her husbands and he took her to a lawyer in kings county.

They then had this work friend (lets call them Charlie (not real name)) become the executer of the estate, on the advice of the lawyer.

Now since then Charlie cannot be found, he is somewhere and no one has had contact with him for years.

The lawyer first said nothing can be done, to forget it because its not allot of money (maybe not to her, but 150,000 US makes a lifetime of difference and was supposed to support his wife (who is without income now) and his grandchildren).

Later upon further questions to the lawyer, she responded in a letter that she contacted the police about Charlie and they didn't care, and that's all that she will do about the matter.

now fast forward a year (until about 2 months ago), where i have been asked to look at it, to see if anything can come from it.

I have done my own investigation, and i have found that the 150,000 was withdrawn from the Citibank bank account.

There was a 150,000 bond (in form of an insurance policy) issued at kings county by Charlie.

Now the lawyer didn't mention any of this, and was quite shocked and uncomfortable when confronted. Still willing not to do anything, because she doesn't care.

I have also got a letter from the Polish consulate in New York saying that they have tried to, but failed to locate Charlie.

Anyway, I want to find out how difficult it would be to file to claim the bond?

And if i could do this myself (by correspondence fax/mail) or does this require representation?

Also would it be worth reporting the lawyer to the bar ? I have suspicions maybe they were involved with Charlie.

Is anyone able to comment ?

Thank you

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