Starting a Business Existing Cannabis Business Preventing Credit Card Processor Approval for New Business Ventures

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New Member
Central America
Hello! I am in need of some advise. We currently own and run a well known online cannabis seed bank, nutrient, and grow light company, and as many know, this required a "High Risk" credit card processor that carries some hefty fees(no big deal, we understand why). The problem is, we are looking to open new businesses in different industries, outside of the cannabis industry, and with no ties to the cannabis industry. We have many projects in the works both online sales as example; "Custom Order CNC Parts, 3D Print, ect" and locally ran physical businesses as example; "Gym's, Pool Halls, Vending Machines, ect". The problem we're running into is when applying with Credit Card Processing Companies to pay less fees, all seems to be well, but soon after applying we find ourselves being rejected due to Google Searches of our names and being linked to the cannabis industry. We all have great credit, so it's not a credit issue in case anyone brings that up, but I am looking for a way to separate ourselves(in name) from the cannabis industry so we don't have this well paying dark cloud above our heads without being forced to close our online shop.

Things Considered:
  • Removed our names from every page of our cannabis related website and looking into scrubbing our personal info online(not really sure how effective this method is being listed in Hightimes cannabis magazines that names us by name)
I'd take any advise anyone would be willing to give. Thanks in advance!
I'm sorry, but even though the forum allows for the entry of different jurisdictions, this forum is designed to assist people who have questions relating to US law matters.
I'm sorry, but even though the forum allows for the entry of different jurisdictions, this forum is designed to assist people who have questions relating to US law matters.

I'm sorry, I meant North America, and not just one state. So this is a US Law Matter, my mistake.
It seems painfully obvious that the way to remove your association with the business is to cease being an owner.
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