Expired lease, abandoned apartment

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New Member
I shared a lease with my boyfriend, he abandoned the apartment and I stayed for 2 weeks then moved out. Turned in my keys and explained the situation to the office. Our lease was for one year and was up in May 2008. I never signed a new lease. You are supposed to then pay extra for a month to month rent, but they never charged us more and continued to cash the rent checks. I left and turned in my keys in Sept. 1, 2008. They are trying to come after me for at least two months rent and other fees which they aren't even clear on.
What is the chance that I can fight this or ignore this? The lease was not current, we did not pay extra nor were we asked to pay the extra fee for a month to month rent basis, I told them of the situation that I couldn't afford it on my own.
What state do you live in and what was the date that you notified your landlord that you were ending the lease?

In most states, a month to month tenant needs to give at least 30 days notice that they will be vacating the rental unit. Failure to do this means you would owe at least one months worth of rent.

What are the other fees they are saying you owe them? Is it for damages above normal wear and tear?

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