Exploding Plate in Microwave, Family getting Sick

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I live in Texas. Today I was cooking an italian frozen dinner in the microwave which said to cook it on top of a plate.

Halfway through the cooking time which must have been 2 minutes. I heard a loud bang. Almost like a shotgun went off. My sisters in the room look and see the plate exploded in the micro!!!

I freaked I was like what the heck. The back of the plates don't say anything about being non microwave safe. Many of times I have used plates to reheat stuff with no problems.

Now almost my whole family has a cough and cold. My cats have even been sneezing recently. Could something have happened?

Is there anything law wise I could do about this? Im preety worried about something affecting our lungs and why it didn't say not microwave safe on the back. I won't post the name of the company that makes the plates for certain reasons.

Plates are made in china....

You can reach me at jkalex05@gmail.com or post here. Thanks in advance.
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You have this stick by the wrong end. It is not the manufacturer who was negligent in failing to mark the plates as non-microwave safe; it is you who were negligent in putting into the microwave a plate that was not designated as microwave safe.

You have no case against anyone that I can see.
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