Expressing breast milk

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Hoping someone can help. We have an employee who just returned from having a baby (FMLA). She is breastfeeding and needs to express milk when she is at work. We don't have any problem in her request. We give her access to an unoccupied hotel room. The question I have is, does the law state how many breaks we have to give her in an average 8 hour shift? She is saying she needs to do this every 3 hours and this doesn't count her lunch time. This sounds a bit too much but we want to follow the law. Again any help in this would be great.
Just for reference, the only law NJ has re breastfeeding is:

N.J. Rev. Stat. § 26:4B-4/5 (1997) entitles a mother to breastfeed her baby in any location of a place of public accommodation, resort or amusement wherein the mother is otherwise permitted. Failure to comply with the law may result in a fine.

(refer to cbg's federal information)
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