Criminal Records, Expungement Expunged misdemeanor for Immigration

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If a misdemeanor has been expunged in the court and public record, what impact does it have on someone trying to apply
for citizenship?
Originally posted by folfriend2003
If a misdemeanor has been expunged in the court and public record, what impact does it have on someone trying to apply
for citizenship?
With regard to an expungement, my understanding is that it is as though the crime did not happen. However, there are exceptions. I believe that there is a federal exception regarding expungement orders concerning the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Aliens applying for entry into the United States or seeking citizenship are required to divulge arrests and convictions, even if they have been expunged.
expunging the record

What does it mean exactly to 'expunge' one's record?
Is this possible in all US states?
Does a dismissal of a case of a person who pleaded not quilty and never got convicted of the crime that it was charged with automatically imply that her/his record would be expunged?

In general, how is such a case seen in the eyes of the US immigration service?

Thank you in advance.
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