Criminal Records, Expungement Expungement/Sealing of Criminal records

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Approximately 4 years ago I was convicted in a criminal case in the Federal district court for Northern Ohio. I was wondering if I can have this conviction expunged/sealed as an aid in helping me find a job.

Charge-Don't remember, all my paperwork is filed underneath a bunch of other stuff. Might have been misappropriation of funds or something similar.

It was my first Offense.
I received no jail time, just fine, restitution, probation and community service.
I was released from probation early on the recommendation of my probation officer. All fines, restitution, and CC has been taken care of.

I have not been arrested since then other than for traffic violations.

Can this be done?

Thank You
Eventually someone is going to have to decide whether to expunge the record. What are you going to give them for a reason? It will have to be something more than "I think it will make it easier for me to find a job?"
I think stating employment for a reason is good enough.

Most of the time you have to wait 5 years. Contact a criminal defense attorney and ask them.
If a record can be expunged, why should one give a reason as to why they want it expunged. That should be have it removed from your record...maybe I'm missing something here.
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