Criminal Records, Expungement Expungement versus Non Disclosure

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New Member
I was given a citation due to a class c misdemenaor-theft. My lawyer says a diversion program followed by motion for non-disclosure would be ideal since I am a first time offender. I asked him whether expungement would be better, and he said no because the public wouldn't be able to see the info on ur background check with either the motion for ND or expungement and and since there was no arrest (fingerprints, booking) there isnt' really anything to expunge. This has me confused...can someone tell me why expungement isn't as good in my situation?
Maybe this isn't quite the same situation, but I was a first time offender, I got a DUI back in 99. I went to court....without an attorney, and I paid my fines...thanked God I was alive and didn't hurt anyone and the final result after paying for fines and those darn traffic classes, approx. 500.00 it was to be expunged from my record, unless I got another within 10 years and then the first one would bite me in the.....butt. My insurance has not gone up and I learned a big lesson. Unless u think its gonna happen again.......... expunged isn't a bad way to go. It never happened. Just my personal experience. Hope this helps. JO
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