Criminal Records, Expungement Expungemnet of driving record

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Hello, i am trying to get into the San Antonio Fire Dept. I have processed 3 yrs in a row and this year i was dropped for my driving record. All tickets have been dismissed but there are certain disqualifiers that dropped me this time. So basically It makes no difference what the tickets were for or the outcome was, all that matters is that they were written out to me. So I am trying to get my record expunged, only I cannot afford for someone to do it for me, so I was going to do it "PRO SE" i believe that is what it is called. And I was curious if anyone could help me out with any further info as far as obtaining papers to file and and were exactly I would have to file them.

Now keep in mind I have a Tremendous amount of tickets approx 25 since I was 18 yrs old. All in texas, majority in san antonio, one by a state trooper in another small city, one county and two sub cities here in san antonio. I am unsure if I need to file individually with each one or is there another easier way. Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I suggest you look for another job; I suspect the fire department does not want you around any of its vehicles.
OUCH! I thought you all were here to help not insult. Thank you for your opinion, but like I will not let the fire dept. judge me I will not let you. thank you for your help, but I will continue my efforts because I am undaunted and do not get discouraged.

As for anyone else please I ask for your help, NOT your negative input.
OUCH! I thought you all were here to help not insult. Thank you for your opinion, but like I will not let the fire dept. judge me I will not let you. thank you for your help, but I will continue my efforts because I am undaunted and do not get discouraged.

As for anyone else please I ask for your help, NOT your negative input.

You said:

Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.

And I helped.
I suggest you look for another job; I suspect the fire department does not want you around any of its vehicles.

This is not help this is OPINION. I figured a "seniorjudge" would know the difference. "I suggest" "i suspect" is what you believe and actually not any help at all.

If you dont have the answer its ok to admit it, but dont insult people, it just isn't nice.
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